Hertfordshire Constabulary: "The NHS is the only organisation that has access to the vaccine and will never ask for payment."
Parsonage Lane Play Group organisers have also arranged free 'stay and play' sessions.
A thief stole £1,300 from a 57-year-old woman after targeting her outside the Bishop’s Park branch of Tesco.
A lane of the southbound motorway between Stortford and Harlow was closed for work to repair the problem hole.
Bishop's Stortford Lawn Tennis Club launched Operation Bounce Back during second lockdown to support those in need.
Sofia Kramer and Victoria Tejwani, who attend Bishop's Stortford College Pre-Prep School, walked a combined 100km in 5 weeks for Barnardo's.
Helen Rollason supports Stortford cancer patients from a new West Essex centre at Harlow's LeisureZone.
Stortford teenager Katie Callaghan is determined to deliver cheer to more than 1,000 children and teenagers this Christmas.
Police were alerted to thefts from four cars in the town – two of them at Bishop's Park Tesco in the same afternoon.
Tools and cabling worth £4,000 were stolen from one of the vehicles, while the other was left a write-off.
For over two years police have received complaints about goings-on that have left some vulnerable residents feeling unsafe in their own homes.
Eli Chenkova is offering three families a £95 festive photo shoot FREE and wants people to nominate someone who could do with a lift.
A cleaner discovered the break-in on Monday morning after the community hub had been vacant since Saturday afternoon.
The town's neighbourhood policing team is asking residents where they would like to see officers focus their efforts for the next three months.
When lockdown forced many Stortford traders to shut, Catherine Tillbrook set up a Facebook directory for small businesses.
Five designs have been created by just some of the county's army of unpaid carers and packs of 10 cost £4 plus postage.
Premier Court hopes its clients will feel more connected to the community if they receive goodwill messages.
Two women in a Vauxhall Corsa stole electrical items from a house after forcing open a door.
Police investigating report of salon trading in breach of Covid rules found it was hosting virtual Christmas shopping for Isabel Hospice.
The break-ins happened just over a mile apart in Rye Street and off Hadham Road.