Waste tip at Woodside industrial estate underwent three-month refurb – and days after its reopening, thieves broke in and took a metal container.
The vandals left tyre tracks across pitches at Bishop’s Stortford Sports Trust, Cricketfield Lane, on Wednesday at around 9pm.
Sawbridgeworth Cricket Club received £500 towards fixing its roller and buying a new mower and the mini police scheme warranted a £500 grant.
East Herts Council has been accused by Sawbridgeworth Conservatives of a dereliction of duty and they blame MP Josh Dean for misleading the community.
Sawbridgeworth Town Council to run three free buses to and from railway station weekday mornings and evenings for two weeks, starting February 24.
The annual wassail at Sawbridgeworth’s Rivers Heritage Site and Orchard launched a year of celebrations to mark its 300th anniversary.
Cllr Eric Buckmaster criticised planned changes in Sawbridgeworth, which would see the fee for up to two hours rise 50p (55%) from 90p to £1.40.
One resident said his internet provider told him there was “rodent damage in the exchange” and another said it was a problem at the Harlow exchange.
Bishop’s Stortford man successfully appeals against two Stortford railway station parking charge notices issued in error by NCP.
The group has revealed the most popular item brought to the café at the Bullfields Centre in Cutforth Road last year.
There is one access to Stortford Fields – via Hadham Road – and there is no date to open a second at the junction with Rye Street.
Advisory 20mph signs in the pipeline for Farnham Road around Avanti Meadows Primary in Stortford after father of twins launched a petition.
Douglas Young was told delayed driver had to take his meal break, meaning 511 service in Stortford had to be “curtailed” short of its destination.
Sawbridgeworth Local History Society kicks off its year on Thursday January 30 with a talk on 17th Century Hertfordshire by Alan Thomas.
The first event to mark the anniversary of Rivers Heritage Site and Orchard, established by John Rivers in 1725, is the wassail on January 25.
The Isabel Hospice shop in Sawbridgeworth decorated its window in tribute to the veteran rocker who has an estate in Sheering Lower Road.
Havers Parade has become a hotspot for anti-social behaviour, leading to the neighbourhood policing team launching a survey for residents.
The fallow buck was seen at Thremhall Park, but it was felt best to leave it for its antlers to fall off rather than try to capture it.
The Salvation Army bank at Tesco in Bishop’s Park was targeted between Friday lunchtime and Sunday morning.
Sightings of the brown and white Jack Russell terrier type around Stortford town centre included people seeing her running along the railway track.