Currently gritting goes ahead across the entire county whenever forecasts suggest temperatures will drop below 0.5C at a single location.
Plans have been drawn up to set a Herts County Council budget for 2025-26 that could include a £50m deficit that would be plugged by borrowing.
The 8,188 births registered in Hertfordshire last year was down by more than a quarter in a decade.
Prince Harry’s book Spare was the most borrowed biography from Hertfordshire libraries in 2024.
The shocking abuse that workers on the roads in Hertfordshire are subjected to has been highlighted to county councillors.
The authority is responsible for 3,100 miles of roads and receives more than £20m a year for their upkeep.
Cllr Bob Deering told Labour member: “Your Government’s increase...will cost this council £20m which otherwise we could spend on children and adults.”
Hertfordshire Catering Ltd supplies more than 14 million meals a year to around 450 schools and commercial sites.
The 61-bed Elmhurst home – owned by Herts County Council and formerly operated by Quantum Care – has been vacant for some time.
Overall, around 6,000 children and young people are waiting to see a community paediatrician in East and North Herts NHS Trust area.
Hertfordshire County Council has introduced a “zero tolerance” approach to domestic abuse that could see perpetrators it employs lose their jobs.
The 3,165 SEND youngsters accessing school transport is 28% more than 10 years ago – and the average cost per pupil has almost doubled to £9,731.
Supermarket vouchers to help struggling families during school holidays will be available this winter thanks to a Government grant.
Updated Hertfordshire All Age Autism Strategy is a “golden opportunity for autistic people to change Hertfordshire into an autism-friendly county”.
Herts Careline already supports more than 13,000 residents with technology that’s designed to help them live independently in their own homes.
Herts County Council leader Richard Roberts told a meeting on Tuesday: “It should only be another couple of weeks before the work is completed.”
30-second ad that reached over 19,000 Herts households with Sky TV subscriptions in a month is part of campaign to increase understanding of services
The latest available data shows that just three months into the 2024-25 financial year, the authority had spent £4.6m more than had been expected.
“This decision is not only short-sighted from a moral standpoint but also perhaps from a fiscal one.”
Between April and June, calls to the authority took an average of 199 seconds – or three minutes and 19 seconds – to be answered.