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Nature Notes: A muddy good walk taking in Farnham and Manuden

08 November 2020
Nature Notes: A muddy good walk taking in Farnham and Manuden

Nature Notes: A muddy good walk taking in Farnham and Manuden

08 November 2020

Jono Forgham doesn't mind getting grubby on a circular wander with lots to admire, including a sparrowhawk, iridescent starlings and a vintage tractor

Nature Notes: I'm a fungi to be with when there's this much to see in Hatfield Forest

24 October 2020
Nature Notes: I'm a fungi to be with when there's this much to see in Hatfield Forest

Nature Notes: I'm a fungi to be with when there's this much to see in Hatfield Forest

24 October 2020

An array of mushrooms are on nature's menu when Jono Forgham enjoys a seven-mile stroll around Hatfield Forest for his latest Indie column

Nature Notes: Lots of Easton promise in the gardens with bags of history

10 October 2020
Nature Notes: Lots of Easton promise in the gardens with bags of history

Nature Notes: Lots of Easton promise in the gardens with bags of history

10 October 2020

Jono Forgham enjoys the wildlife while learning lots as he takes in the beautiful surroundings at the Gardens of Easton Lodge near Dunmow

Nature Notes: The Gibberd Garden serves up a real feast for the eyes

27 September 2020
Nature Notes: The Gibberd Garden serves up a real feast for the eyes

Nature Notes: The Gibberd Garden serves up a real feast for the eyes

27 September 2020

Jono Forgham spots a host of birds and other wildlife on a walk around the landscape designed by one of the 20th century's greatest architects

Nature Notes: Taking in the wildlife and the art at the Henry Moore Foundation

15 September 2020
Nature Notes: Taking in the wildlife and the art at the Henry Moore Foundation

Nature Notes: Taking in the wildlife and the art at the Henry Moore Foundation

15 September 2020

Wanting a change from covering several habitats in one walk, Jono Forgham heads to the Perry Green venue to see what's living alongside the sculptures

Nature Notes: It gets heated meeting a red signal crayfish - the creature with zero chill

30 August 2020
Nature Notes: It gets heated meeting a red signal crayfish - the creature with zero chill

Nature Notes: It gets heated meeting a red signal crayfish - the creature with zero chill

30 August 2020

Jono Forgham enjoys a circular walk in Stansted, but only after he gets past a rather aggressive arthropod blocking his path

Nature Notes: Fall under nature's Spell with a ramble along the river

15 August 2020
Nature Notes: Fall under nature's Spell with a ramble along the river

Nature Notes: Fall under nature's Spell with a ramble along the river

15 August 2020

Despite being forced into many camera lens changes by the birds, Jono Forgham enjoys a wildlife-packed stroll from Spellbrook Locks to Sawbridgeworth

Nature Notes: The walk that will give you wings in really big numbers

01 August 2020
Nature Notes: The walk that will give you wings in really big numbers

Nature Notes: The walk that will give you wings in really big numbers

01 August 2020

Choosing to take a stroll to Turner's Spring, returning via Stansted Hall, proves inspired by Jono Forgham as he clocks up 17 species of butterfly

Picture gallery: Reviving the old tradition of beating the bounds

19 July 2020
Picture gallery: Reviving the old tradition of beating the bounds

Picture gallery: Reviving the old tradition of beating the bounds

19 July 2020

Tesco is the start and finish for Jono Forgham's ramble around the parish boundary of Little Hadham - and he stumbles on a moment of nature in the raw

Nature Notes: Flitch Way and lagoons prove good spots for fine bug hunt

04 July 2020
Nature Notes: Flitch Way and lagoons prove good spots for fine bug hunt

Nature Notes: Flitch Way and lagoons prove good spots for fine bug hunt

04 July 2020

Jono Forgham heads to the Flitch Way and Stansted Airport lagoons to see what he can record for the Royal Entomological Society's National Insect Week

Nature Notes: One walk to admire wealth of wildlife in two habitats

21 June 2020
Nature Notes: One walk to admire wealth of wildlife in two habitats

Nature Notes: One walk to admire wealth of wildlife in two habitats

21 June 2020

Southern Country Park and Thorley Wash are destinations for Jono Forgham's latest ramble and, thanks to maintenance by volunteers, there's lots to see

Nature Notes: Admiring the biodiversity on show at Bat Willow Hurst

06 June 2020
Nature Notes: Admiring the biodiversity on show at Bat Willow Hurst

Nature Notes: Admiring the biodiversity on show at Bat Willow Hurst

06 June 2020

Jono Forgham strolls around Grange Paddocks and Bat Willow Hurst Country Park, with a bit of 'celebrity spotting' getting things off to a good start

Get out in the sunshine and explore the Ash Valley with Jono's Nature Notes walk

23 May 2020
Get out in the sunshine and explore the Ash Valley with Jono's Nature Notes walk

Get out in the sunshine and explore the Ash Valley with Jono's Nature Notes walk

23 May 2020

Going out on a different day for his Indie wander pays off for Jono Forgham as he spots birds, butterflies, bees and other insects in the Ash Valley

Nature Notes: Jono swaps the garden for the footpaths of the Hadhams

09 May 2020
Nature Notes: Jono swaps the garden for the footpaths of the Hadhams

Nature Notes: Jono swaps the garden for the footpaths of the Hadhams

09 May 2020

Jono Forgham gets out of the house for daily exercise, walking to Hadham Hall and back, and makes first house martin and swallow sightings of the year

Nature Notes: Jono reaches a century of species on his Little Hadham garden safari

19 April 2020
Nature Notes: Jono reaches a century of species on his Little Hadham garden safari

Nature Notes: Jono reaches a century of species on his Little Hadham garden safari

19 April 2020

Indie columnist Jono Forgham is studying his garden wildlife in detail during lockdown and has discovered over 100 species

Jono's Nature Notes: Lots more to see in your garden than you might think

02 April 2020
Jono's Nature Notes: Lots more to see in your garden than you might think

Jono's Nature Notes: Lots more to see in your garden than you might think

02 April 2020

Jono Forgham doesn't let self-isolating get in the way of nature spotting as he takes a closer look at the wildlife in his own small bit of the world.

Taking a turn through town to spot some urban dwellers

19 January 2020
Taking a turn through town to spot some urban dwellers

Taking a turn through town to spot some urban dwellers

19 January 2020

Nature Notes writer Jono Forgham strolls into Stortford town centre and spots plenty of wildlife - even if the subjects don't always pose for photos

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