Buntingford’s Ward Freman Pool will shut because East Herts Council can’t guarantee swimmers’ safety – but campaigners are fundraising to save it.
PC Christopher Kelly was dismissed without notice after a misconduct panel’s ruling but had already resigned.
Lorraine Middlebrook said: “My mother would have been unhappy with the arrangement to reuse her burial space if she had been aware of this intention.”
Town council objected to plan for betting shop in former TSB branch in listed Corn Exchange but East Herts Council has approved it.
If Parliament passes Bishop’s Stortford Cemetery Bill, town council will have power to extinguish burial rights and disturb remains after 75 years.
The PAH NHS Trust will not seek New Hospital Programme cash for Herts and Essex in Bishop’s Stortford or St Margaret’s in Epping.
After a five-hour meeting, East Herts Council’s licensing sub-committee almost halved the planned attendance to 4,999 guests and 499 staff.
According to the Office of Rail and Road, 81.7% of its services in 2022-23 were early or within a minute of their slot – up from 69.9% in 2019-20.
NHS chiefs have promised they are prepared to treat growing populations on both sides of the Herts and Essex border.
Scrapping plans to knock down Charringtons House and the church hall in Water Lane could tip the council into “bankruptcy”, senior members warned.
Fears of traffic gridlock and nuisance for residents could end plans for a dance music festival at Silver Leys Polo Club attended by 8,500 revellers.
Buntingford Recycling Centre closed to the public in March 2020 and never reopened.
The authority has enough grave space in its Old and New cemeteries to last until the mid-2030s.
Bishop’s Stortford Town Council is running out of burial space, with its Old Cemetery and New Cemetery expected to be full around 2036.
The Government has set out a £20 billion plan for new projects, with pledges to rebuild facilities in Harlow and Watford by 2030.
Photos supported allegation that Tom Daly punched PC X in the face during sex and had violent sex with her in a police station resulting in bruising.
“I’ve lived in the town for about 40 years and it hasn’t got better, it’s got bigger – and what’s got bigger isn’t as good as it was.”
The four main parties fighting for control of the district council in Thursday’s election are convinced there is everything still to play for.
In 2018, a Hertfordshire council was one of five in the country to take part in a trial. The results were used by the Electoral Commission.
From 2025, the authority will introduce a weekly food waste pick-up and switch black bin collections from once a fortnight to every three weeks.