11 June 2021
East Herts Council submits planning application to put four central twin lighting posts on sixth storey of car park at Northgate End.
26 May 2021
Volunteers helped to create the woodland next to the Northgate End multi-storey car park.
13 May 2021
The new wildlife haven is next to the site of the council's multi-storey car park and four-storey building housing businesses and 15 flats.
10 May 2021
East Herts Council confirms end for Water Lane United Reformed Church Hall but Tories and Lib Dems to work on a substitute.
21 April 2021
Critics say a £6m grant and £3.6m interest-free loan came with conditions, including a requirement that the development includes a 'theatre'.
11 April 2021
Planner and urban designer Yvonne Estop-Wood outlines her objections to the proposed revamp of Jackson Square to accommodate TK Maxx.
08 April 2021
The development management committee has approved plans to make Hertford Theatre "a beacon of sustainability for the county and for theatres".
29 March 2021
Leader Linda Haysey defends East Herts Council's decision to go with a cinema-led arts centre rather than a theatre auditorium.
23 March 2021
Cllr Mione Goldspink said: “I was really shocked to hear that the Tories were planning, quite deliberately, to destroy a valuable community asset."
22 March 2021
Group lobbying for FE college rather than arts centre on Bishop's Stortford town centre site condemns East Herts Council.
18 March 2021
The council's deputy leader Cllr Geoffrey Williamson said "extraordinary circumstances" had forced drastic changes to the arts centre project.
18 March 2021
The Old River Lane working group is lobbying for the entire scheme to be replaced with a further education college and launched an online survey.
17 March 2021
Colin Woodward secured pledge to relocate stone elsewhere in precinct ahead of Bridge Street works to accommodate new TK Maxxt.
16 March 2021
Bishop's Stortford Arts Forum's letter to all 50 East Herts district councillors ahead of Thursday's crunch extraordinary meeting.
16 March 2021
"Council has not carried out any analysis of the extent to which its new version of the ORL scheme will have an adverse impact elsewhere in the town."
15 March 2021
£15.5m stand-alone cinema-led arts centre, costing around half of original vision, has emerged as East Herts' favoured plan for town centre site.
04 March 2021
Grenfell Tower contractor Rydon identifies 'inconsistencies' in concrete used on residential building at Northgate End site.
03 March 2021
ORL working group launches survey as part of bid to get East Herts Council to reconsider its plans for prime town centre site.
01 March 2021
Columnist Chas Gill returns to defend South Mill Arts after it came in for criticism from arts groups calling for Old River Lane to be put on hold
26 February 2021
Future of controversial scheme for heart of Stortford will be decided at extraordinary meeting of East Herts Council on March 18, not on March 2.