11 December 2019
The Indie asked the six vying for your vote: As an MP, what measures would you promote to address poverty and social inequality in Bishop's Stortford?
11 December 2019
Where should a new general hospital with A&E facilities – to replace Princess Alexandra in Harlow – be built to best serve Bishop's Stortford?
11 December 2019
The Indie's GreenWatch correspondent Louise Tennekoon tests the environmental credentials of the 6 people who want to be your next MP.
10 December 2019
Year 12 and 13 students bucked the historic election trend of the Hertford and Stortford constituency at the event at Herts and Essex High School.
09 December 2019
We asked our election hopefuls what they would do to improve train services and the M11, and if they would let Stansted make full use of its runway.
09 December 2019
The Indie asked all six contenders hoping to become Stortford's new MP to justify their Brexit stance and its impact on the town and Stansted Airport.
09 December 2019
A hustings event in a Ware church on Saturday (Dec 7) will be followed by one at Bishop's Stortford Baptist Church on Tuesday evening (Dec 10).
07 December 2019
Baron Haselhurst of Saffron Walden said: "Tactical voting will play a bigger role than in any other election in recent years.”
04 December 2019
Herts & Essex High School has invited Year 12-13 students to Thursday's forum – five days before the candidates face voters at a hustings on Tuesday.
03 December 2019
Just after 9.45pm last night, Air Force One landed on Stansted's northside, which is home to a number of private jet centres.
02 December 2019
The President of the United States of America is coming to the UK for the summit in Watford on Wednesday (December 4).
28 November 2019
All four candidates for the Saffron Walden constituency will take part in the event on Friday evening (Nov 29).
23 November 2019
The six candidates will face voters at a hustings at Bishop's Stortford Baptist Church just two days before the General Election.
21 November 2019
An announcement on Uttlesford District Council's Local Plan has been delayed until after the General Election.
20 November 2019
As well as the General Election on December 12, there will be a by-election to fill the town council seat following the death of the Liberal Democrat.
20 November 2019
Sir Alan Haselhurst warns of 'considerable cost to taxpayers' of Uttlesford council leaving airport's application for 43m passengers a year in limbo.
20 November 2019
The 86-year-old peer and ex-Deputy PM told an audience at The Bishop's Stortford High School he has no time for Brexiters and Jeremy Corbyn is 'mad'.
19 November 2019
As well as family and friends, those assembled at the service at St Michael's Church reflected his impact on, and involvement in, Bishop's Stortford.
18 November 2019
Chris Vince's supporters painted Rhodes red as more than 50 party members, family and friends gathered at the arts complex for the launch.
16 November 2019
Car park fees could be scrapped at Crafton Green when voters go to the polls on December 12.