03 May 2019
The Conservatives lost their position as the biggest party on Sawbridgeworth Town Council as Independent candidates won seven of the 12 seats
03 May 2019
Council leader Howard Rolfe among 20 Conservative casualties as his party are almost wiped out by Residents for Uttlesford (R4U)
03 May 2019
Former mayor Colin Woodward loses second seat in a day as Liberal Democrats make five gains and Labour one
03 May 2019
Veteran councillor and community stalwart Angela Alder will be joined on the district council by Ruth Buckmaster and John Burmicz
03 May 2019
Ex-Stortford mayors Colin Woodward and Keith Warnell lose – Labour and Green Party win in Hertford and Ware
01 May 2019
In 2015 the Tories won all 50 seats on East Herts Council and all 18 on Bishop's Stortford Town Council
01 May 2019
Greens want to look at implementing the Incredible Edible initiative in community planting and increase allotment space.
01 May 2019
Tories support government’s Clean Energy Strategy and are working to procure 100% ‘green’ energy in corporate electricity supply contracts.
01 May 2019
Party warns: "Without a sea change in policy, only a polluting, congesting gridlock can result."
01 May 2019
After leaving the EU, UKIP would re-establish the successful local drainage supervisory boards run by those most affected by flooding.
01 May 2019
"Treating each large development in isolation invariably leads to the whole being less and less the sum of the parts."
26 April 2019
"We would put the plans for a 500-seat theatre on hold until we had carried out full research."
26 April 2019
Party argues it is vital that the Rhodes is given continued help and support in the future.
26 April 2019
"Stortford cannot support significant numbers of new shops and ORL is too important a site to just turn into flats."
26 April 2019
"Vision for the Old River Lane site is a high-quality mixed-use scheme of good quality design."
26 April 2019
Greens want local businesses to boost the town's economy.
21 April 2019
Somebody is diagnosed with bowel cancer in the UK every 15 minutes and 16,000 people a year die of it, even though it is curable
18 April 2019
Investment in current and future clubs, reducing their environmental impact, is needed.
18 April 2019
"Plans for Stortford South’s 750 houses...include no provision whatsoever for sports facilities for public use."
18 April 2019
UKIP says council should get around the table with sports and social clubs.