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Take on a Walk of Light for Blood Cancer UK and help people with leukaemia

At sunset on Saturday (March 30), thousands of people across the nation will be taking part in the Walk of Light for Blood Cancer UK. Those participating will light up the night with lanterns to raise awareness of blood cancer and shine a light of hope to all those affected by it.

Some people will be walking to remember those they have lost to blood cancer, others will be walking to show support to someone currently fighting blood cancer.

Whatever your reason for walking, we are all united by one goal - to make the futures of blood cancer patients brighter.

Since my husband Joel’s blood cancer diagnosis nearly three years ago, as a family we have always done a Walk of Light. For me, the walk is to mark all the bravery shown by my husband and those closest to him during his battle with blood cancer.

It is also to acknowledge and thank the doctors and nurses who care for him and saved his life and it is to reflect on the past whilst making a positive difference to the future of blood cancer patients.

With every step we take, with every penny we raise, we are moving towards a world where we can beat blood cancer.

Amy Atkinson is getting ready for her latest Walk of Light to raise blood cancer awareness
Amy Atkinson is getting ready for her latest Walk of Light to raise blood cancer awareness

If you could support our Walk of Light by sharing or donating, I would be most grateful. Please see www.justgiving.com/page/amy-gannon-1709840882548.

On the theme of working towards a brighter future, more than 1,800 people have signed Leukaemia UK’s open letter calling for a national cancer strategy that represents the needs of those facing leukaemia.

Across the UK, 10,000 people a year receive a leukaemia diagnosis. Despite progress in cancer care, survival for leukaemia remains dishearteningly low, with only half of patients surviving beyond five years of a diagnosis. This needs to change NOW.

Please take a moment to add your voice to Leukaemia UK’s open letter urging the next government to prioritise the needs of leukaemia patients by investing in cutting-edge research to develop kinder and more effective treatments, to make improvements to get earlier diagnosis and better health data to improve quality of care. Go to leukaemiauk.eaction.org.uk/openletter.

As always, sending love and light to anyone whose life has been affected by cancer.

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