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Sawbridgeworth boy Alden Booth raises £2,800 for Great Ormond Street Hospital and donates 10in of hair to the Little Princess Trust

A grateful 10-year-old Sawbridgeworth boy has raised more than £2,800 for the hospital that treated him for a bladder tumour – and donated 10 inches of his hair to a charity.

Alden Booth was diagnosed with the benign tumour at the age of six after suffering numerous urinary infections.

After being treated with a new type of growth inhibitor chemotherapy at the world-famous Great Ormond Street Hospital in London, the Spellbrook C of E Primary pupil was finally given the all-clear.

Alden delighted with his new haircut
Alden delighted with his new haircut

Thankful for the treatment he was given and also aware that many children lose their hair during treatment for cancer and other illnesses, in September 2023 Alden decided to launch a fundraising drive for the hospital and at the same time donate his rapidly growing hair to the Little Princess Trust.

The charity provides real-hair wigs, free of charge, to children and young people who have lost their own hair through cancer treatment and other conditions.

To do so, Alden, along with friend Henri from his rugby club, eschewed a hair cut. Just before Christmas he was delighted to sit in the barber’s chair at Wiggies in The Square, Sawbridgeworth, and finally have 10in of his locks shorn.

Alden has been keen to get his hair cut
Alden has been keen to get his hair cut

Mum Elspeth posted pictures of Alden with his new buzzcut and thanked the barbers for doing the deed.

“Both Andrew [Alden’s dad] and I are incredibly proud of Alden and very grateful for all the support from our local community, school and the many local clubs Alden attends,” she said.

“He’s smashed his fundraising target, and we hope this goes some way to show how grateful we are to a fantastic hospital and a wonderful charity who do so much for children.”

If you would like to donate to Alden’s fundraiser see his JustGiving page.

A smart haircut for Alden means 10in of hair for charity and more than £2,800 for Great Ormond Street Hospital
A smart haircut for Alden means 10in of hair for charity and more than £2,800 for Great Ormond Street Hospital

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