Sawbridgeworth Repair Café experts return to Bullfields Centre on January 25 to fix residents’ broken items
Sawbridgeworth’s repair café is bringing light in the darkness – and on Saturday (Jan 25) experts will be back fixing broken items brought in by grateful owners.
The group has revealed the most popular item brought to the café at the Bullfields Centre in Cutforth Road last year was the household lamp.
At the last repair café in November, 32 items were looked at. Of these, 17 (54%) were fixed, nine (28%) were repairable with the right parts and time while six (18%) had reached the end of their lives.
Café founder Corinne Lewis said: “You’d be amazed by the jobs our volunteers have tackled since starting in July 2022. They range from a stereo turntable revived, a buggy fixed using a pen spring and treasured old clocks now working to beloved soft toys patched up.”
The café is open from 2pm to 5pm. For details see