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Extinction Rebellion East Herts hosts 'The Impossible is Now Possible' virtual event

The East Herts branch of global environmental movement Extinction Rebellion (XR) is inviting members of the community to take part in an online event to tackle climate change.

The session, titled "The Impossible is Now Possible – Imagine and Create a Positive Future", takes place on Wednesday July 22 from 7pm to 7.45pm.

An XR East Herts spokeswoman said: "We're living in difficult times that have seen the previous social and economic realities crumble.

XR East Herts (38589549)
XR East Herts (38589549)

"Global warming and shrinking biodiversity will only make things harder for people at home and abroad."

She added: "A lot of the focus at XR has been on telling the truth about climate change and calling on governments to do the same.

"But we're moving now to focus on what we can all do to change things for the better. Time is running out. We must act now to create a positive future for all."

XR East Herts (38589545)
XR East Herts (38589545)

Extinction Rebellion believes it is a citizen's duty to rebel, using peaceful civil disobedience, when faced with criminal inactivity by government. The East Herts chapter was formed in spring 2019.

As lockdown continues to ease, XR East Herts will take part in the planned UK-wide rebellion in late August and early September.

Plans include a mass banner drop targeting the fossil fuel industry, actions aimed at airports and aviation, finance-focused actions and talks, training and other community engagement.

The free online event will be hosted on Zoom and is open to all. Tickets are available via Eventbrite.

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