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Climate crisis: Free screening at South Mill Arts of award-winning film Tomorrow ahead of Community Climate Gathering in Stortford during UN's Glasgow COP26 summit

An award-winning climate film being screened free at South Mill Arts will be a 'trailer' for a community event taking place in Bishop's Stortford – at the same time as the COP26 climate summit in Scotland – aimed at rallying people into action.

The 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference – also known as COP26, as it incorporates the 26th Conference of the Parties (COP) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) – will be held in Glasgow from October 31 to November 12, under the presidency of the UK.

Meanwhile, a sub-group of the Bishop's Stortford Climate Group is planning a series of events to address the question: “What can we do together, starting now, to improve our environment and fight climate change?”

Tomorrow screening at South Mill Arts (51627297)
Tomorrow screening at South Mill Arts (51627297)

The first is a free screening of the 2015 French documentary Tomorrow at South Mill Arts (SMA) on Saturday October 9 at 2.30pm.

The film, directed by Cyril Dion and Mélanie Laurent, does not give in to catastrophism about Earth's uncertain future, but instead underlines the message that all over the globe, solutions already exist by showcasing proven initiatives in 10 countries: concrete examples of solutions to environmental and social challenges of the 21st century in agriculture, energy, economy, education and governance.

Tomorrow challenges viewers to think about the state of the planet whilst offering a hopeful vision of what’s possible when people come together to act on what matters to them.

Tomorrow screening at South Mill Arts (51627286)
Tomorrow screening at South Mill Arts (51627286)

Straight after the screening there will be an opportunity to chat and discuss the film over a drink in SMA's Maltings bar, and organisers will provide information about the Community Climate Gathering taking place at the Emmaus Centre near St James' Church in Thorley on the weekend of November 6-7 – during COP26.

Louise Tennekoon – the Indie's GreenWatch environmental correspondent and one of four organisers of the event – said: "We know we can’t change the world on our own but we believe that by working together we can generate actionable ideas, initiate change and foster a strong sense of community and empowerment.

"We believe that our community can make Bishop’s Stortford a town with cleaner air, reduced carbon emissions, increased biodiversity and more sustainable living."

Tickets for the film can be reserved on the SMA website at www.southmillarts.co.uk and you can sign up for the Community Climate Gathering at www.communityclimategathering.org.

If you would like to discuss this initiative and ways you can help, feel free to call Louise on 07868 736127 or Jill Goldsmith on 07947 183439.

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