Let's Talk, Stansted! Mental health survey, open evening and virtual 'Race to Rungis' as group reaches out to those in need
A survey has been launched to assess the mental health needs of people living in Stansted and surrounding villages.
The online questionnaire organised by Let's Talk, Stansted! coincides with Mental Health Awareness Week (May 9-15).
People can take part anonymously. The results will shape how the community tackles loneliness and isolation and how it helps those feeling depressed or suicidal.
Let's Talk, Stansted! is also staging a virtual 'Race to Rungis' this week, encouraging people to walk, run, row or cycle with the aim of clocking up enough miles to reach the village's French twin town in the southern suburbs of Paris. The aim is to beat last year's collective total of 1,816 miles.
Group member Richard Haywood said: "Our connection to other people and our community is fundamental to protecting our mental health and we need to find better ways of tackling the epidemic of loneliness. We can all play a part in this.
"Take part in our ‘virtual walk’ challenge from 9th-15th May. We ‘Race to Rungis’ where we’ll meet representatives from the town and learn more about their culture.
"Keep track of your miles each day using the Strava app (just search for Let's Talk, Stansted! in Strava's groups) or any method you wish. Then post your completed miles here each day and we’ll add them together. Don’t forget to send us your photos, videos and any experiences you’d like to share with the group."
Let's Talk, Stansted! is holding an open evening at Stansted Day Centre at Crafton Green House, off Chapel Hill, on Thursday May 19 from 7pm to 8.30pm. Its survey results will be discussed and people will have an opportunity to get involved and find out more.
There will be speakers from Mind in West Essex and from the local mental health practitioner team with a Q and A session afterwards. The evening will also be an opportunity to thank those who have supported the group and to encourage further discussion on provision.