Stansted Parish Council approves 4.85% rise in its minor share of council tax bills for 2025-26
Stansted Parish Council has agreed on its portion of residents’ council tax bills for the year from April.
The council needs to generate just over half a million pounds for the services it provides.
The decision was made at last week’s full council but is dependent on which grass cutting contract it awards at tonight’s (Wed Jan 22) meeting of its open spaces committee.
With the council now responsible for maintaining the churchyard and cemetery, it had to retender to include these areas.
The council’s precept of £501,652 was agreed taking into account the higher quote, but could drop to £499,900 if the cheaper bid is accepted.
The higher figure represents a 4.85% rise on the parish council’s share of council tax bills with a band D household paying £146.28 in 2025-26 for its services. If the council goes for the lower option, the precept will be a 4.49% increase (£145.77).
Currently, in 2024-25, a band D household in Stansted pays overall council tax of £2,167.82, which covers money for services provided by Essex County Council, Uttlesford District Council and the Essex Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner.