UKIP pledges to act against foreign trucks on M11 as part of green policy
Firstly, let us quote from UKIP national policy document (manifesto). We need to separate the dogma of anthropogenic (man-made) climate change from environmentalism – care for and protection of the environment.
After leaving the EU, UKIP would re-establish the successful local drainage supervisory boards run by those most affected by flooding. Farmers and riparian landowners must be allowed to undertake the necessary work on their land to prevent flooding without penalties.
The Green Belt must be protected in order to preserve our quality of life. The most significant threat to the Green Belt and the UK environment in general, especially in England, is unsustainable population growth, which is predominantly fuelled by mass uncontrolled immigration.
UKIP seeks to develop policies that address excessive packaging and the use of plastics where they are detrimental to the environment. For example, the 5p cost of plastic bags is just another money-making racket. Nationally UKIP would legislate to bring about the use of biodegradable carrier bags and packaging.
UKIP councillors would seek to support these policies locally fighting to stop the continued development and destruction of Green Belt land around our town. If this development continues, antiquated sewerage systems throughout the town will not cope, drainage will fail and produce flooding, local farming will suffer! We will fight this and oppose house building on Green Belt land.
We would look at ways to help local business to identify biodegradable bags and packaging. We would encourage retailers locally to stop the habit of allowing their staff to always ask customers ‘would you like a bag’! It happens all the time in virtually every shop! Encouraging people to ‘buy’ another bag! What happened to the campaigns of late to encourage people to re-use carrier bags and why is this being reversed by shops simply wanting to put more money in their tills?
Plastic is a huge problem in society (as we have seen by the amount of it left with the rubbish all over London by the ‘eco ’warriors’ recently)! Change must be made to encourage and promote the use of non-plastic or recyclable packaging! This is something that we really can make a difference with and where possible locally, we will fight to help with this. The talk goes on about plastic use but little real change is seen!
The thousands of Easter eggs left in stores and being sold at knock-down prices is a good example of the sheer waste on packaging, especially plastic! It’s a disgrace!
We need to encourage local business in production. We have some great producers of local meat products, foods and crafts etc. We need more of these and for the council to promote the benefits of buying them! Why? Because we are currently importing far too much from EU countries meaning that our roads are rammed with foreign trucks polluting our roads and lifestyle.
This must be a national reduction demand if we are serious about helping pollution and locally, with the M11 so close, we can work to make change. I counted 14 very large trucks from Lithuania on the M11 between Stortford and Cambridge a week or so ago! What do we buy from Lithuania to warrant that? Meaningful change can happen in Stortford!