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A year as portrayed by members of Bishop's Stortford Art Society

Throughout 2021, Bishop’s Stortford Art Society ran a monthly painting and drawing challenge for members.

A different theme was published on its Facebook page on the first day of each month, and there was only one rule: the work of art had to be created during that month.

The 12 themes were: January - Weather, February - A Fun Day Out, March - New Horizons, April - Water, May - Found in a Garden, June - Fruitful, July - Summer, August - Fast & Furious, September - Song Title, October - Autumn Shades, November - Up in Smoke, December - Festive Cheer. Here are 16 illustrations of those themes by members...

January: Weather by Jo Sinclair (54794682)
January: Weather by Jo Sinclair (54794682)
January: Weather by Yvonne Wood (54794678)
January: Weather by Yvonne Wood (54794678)
February: A Fun Day Out by Hazel Adlam (54794674)
February: A Fun Day Out by Hazel Adlam (54794674)
March: New Horizons by Hilary Brice (54794664)
March: New Horizons by Hilary Brice (54794664)
April: Water by Danny Collins (54794661)
April: Water by Danny Collins (54794661)
April: Water by Kathy Gales (54794659)
April: Water by Kathy Gales (54794659)
May: Found in a Garden by Eileen Valder (54794655)
May: Found in a Garden by Eileen Valder (54794655)
June: Fruitful by Margery Maskell (54794651)
June: Fruitful by Margery Maskell (54794651)
July: Summer by Elizabeth Rosair (54794649)
July: Summer by Elizabeth Rosair (54794649)
August: Fast and Furious by Danny Collins (54794647)
August: Fast and Furious by Danny Collins (54794647)
September: Song Title by Margery Maskell (54794643)
September: Song Title by Margery Maskell (54794643)
September: Song Title by Weena Jones (54794641)
September: Song Title by Weena Jones (54794641)
October: Autumn by Jon Warren (54794639)
October: Autumn by Jon Warren (54794639)
October: Autumn by Kathy Gales (54794625)
October: Autumn by Kathy Gales (54794625)
November: Up in Smoke by Jon Warren
November: Up in Smoke by Jon Warren
December: Festive Cheer by Eileen Valder
December: Festive Cheer by Eileen Valder

* Bishop's Stortford Art Society, which was established in 1935, welcomes artists of all abilities. They meet at least once a month on a Thursday evening, from 7.30pm to 9.45pm, at Thorn Grove Primary School.

The society has a full programme throughout the year including demonstrations by professional artists using various media, painting days at local locations, exhibitions and a stall on the monthly farmers' and craft market in North Street on the first Saturday of each month.

Annual subscription is £20 (£35 for couples living at the same address, £10 for students). There is a charge for evening meetings of £5 for members and £7 for guests.

For more information, email stortfordartsociety@outlook.com, visit the website stortfordartsociety.co.uk, its Facebook page or call secretary Eileen Valder on 01279 652977.

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